CMHC Pulse Blog

Several studies have demonstrated that the consumption of fiber has significantly lowered levels of cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke and diabetes, helps with weight loss, and can ultimately prevent cardiovascular disease.

Fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble, though most fiber-rich foods contain both types. While most people generally associate fiber with a healthy digestive system and track, research has shown that its benefits for heart health are significant.

Most Americans, however, do not eat enough of it; the majority of people get less than half of the fiber that they require. Fiber-enriched foods to incorporate into nutrition plans and diets include most whole grains, fresh fruit, vegetables, beans and legumes, and seeds and fiber.

Fiber-rich whole grains have the potential to lower the risk of stroke by up to 36%, and the risk of type II diabetes by up to 30%–both of which are conditions tied to increased risks of heart disease. Another study established that after three months of a high-fiber diet, participants experienced drops in both blood pressure and pulse pressure.

These collective benefits do not only mitigate factors of heart disease, but also lead to lower mortality rates. By integrating fiber into your life, you can easily increase your lifespan.


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