in a large U.S. city, I stay busy with a practice full of infants, children, and adolescents needing checkups, vaccinations, physicals for sports and camps, and much more. In my practice, I have the opportunity to interact with parents and caregivers who almost always have their children's best interests in mind. Most of the time, I meet these parents shortly after their babies are born. They come in with questions, fears, and plans to be the best caregivers they can be. Typically, they worry about every bump and bruise, the pain of teething and ear infections, the tears that follow each shot, or if their child is hitting developmental milestones.
However, one thing that is becoming painfully obvious as I watch the rates of childhood obesity multiply is that parents, providers, and maybe our whole society isn't focusing enough on how to curb this disturbing trend. A scraped knee, broken bone, and even some chronic childhood illnesses aren't as serious as the diseases that come along with obesity. Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, and more complications will plague these children and likely reduce the number of healthy years they'll live. Research demonstrates that the solution to childhood obesity is not as simple as "eat less, move more" - this health crisis is complex. It likely involves genetic, community, cultural, and environmental factors.
I am looking for solutions to help my pediatric patients avoid a lifetime of preventable illnesses. I am ready to make evidence-based changes to my model of care.
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