CMHC Faculty Members

Come see me speak18th Annual Cardiometabolic Health Congress โ€“ On Demand
Come see me speak18th Annual Cardiometabolic Health Congress

Viral Shah, MD

Aurora, Colorado

Viral Shah, MD



Dr. Viral Shah is a board-certified adult endocrinologist and Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Indiana University and Director of Diabetes Clinical Research at the IU Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases. He was previously associate professor at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. His research is focused on improving glycemic control and reducing complications, with special interest in fracture prevention in people with type 1 diabetes.

Dr. Shah has served as principal investigator on several clinical trials of diabetes technologies and therapeutics such as REPLACE BG, WISDM, Dexcom G6 pivotal study, and insuletโ€™ OP5 HCL clinical trial. He has recently published recommendations on standardizing closed-loop system reporting to make these device downloads easy for patients and providers to understand and optimize glycemic control.

Education and Training

  • Fellowship, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, 2012
  • Residency, M.P. Shah Government Medical College, 2007
  • Internship, M.P. Shah Government Medical College, 2003
  • Medical Degree, M.P. Shah Government Medical College, 2003
  • Undergraduate Degree, Shree Dakshinamurti Vinay Mandir, 1997

Professional Highlights

  • Rising Start in Endocrinology Award, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, 2021
  • Ad hoc Member, Diabetes Technology Subcommittee for the 79th Annual Sessions, American Diabetes Association, 2018
  • Communication Director, Diabetes Technology Interest Group Leadership Committee, American Diabetes Association, 2018
  • Exchange Steering Committee Member, Type 1 Diabetes Exchange Clinic Registry, 2016-2017


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