CMHC Faculty Members

Karli Burridge, PA-C, MMS

Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Karli Burridge, PA-C, MMS

Physician Assistant


Karli Burridge is a nationally recognized expert in obesity medicine and is passionate about educating other providers on how to incorporate obesity management into their everyday practices and helping those affected by obesity. She is comprehensively trained in medical obesity treatment, as well as in bariatric surgery, and has a background in psychology and exercise physiology.

Education and Training

  • Certificate of Advanced Education in Obesity Medicine, 2017
  • Master of Medical Sciences - Physician Assistant, Midwestern University, 2009
  • Master of Exercise Physiology, The University of Texas Austin, 2006
  • Bachelor Degree, Arizona State University, 2004

Professional Highlights

Karli is a co-author of the Obesity Algorithm is the President of PAs in Obesity Medicine, and serves on the Board of Trustees for the Illinois Obesity Society. She has received multiple awards for her work in expanding the field of obesity medicine and in furthering obesity education for health care providers. Karli is the owner and founder of Gaining Health, which she developed to provide resources and tools for health care providers who want to incorporate obesity management into their clinical practice.