CMHC Faculty Members

Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND

Seattle, Washington

Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND

Naturopathic Physician


Dr. Pizzorno is a licensed naturopathic physician, educator, researcher and expert spokesman. As founding president of Bastyr University in 1978, he coined the term โ€œscience-based natural medicineโ€ and lead Bastyr to become the first ever accredited institution in this field. This validated that health promotion rather than only disease treatment could be credibly taught, researched and practiced.

Education and Training

Dr. Pizzorno has been a licensed naturopathic physician in the state of Washington since 1975.

Professional Highlights

Dr. Pizzorno is Board Chair of the Institute for Functional Medicine, founding board member of American Herbal Pharmacopeia, and a member of the science boards of the Hecht Foundation and Bioclinic Naturals. He was appointed two prestigious government commissions to advise U.S. Congress on how to integrate natural medicine into health care. He is author or co-author of six textbooks and eight consumer market books.


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