CMHC Pulse Blog

The 2024 report from the Lancet Standing Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and Care brings promising developments for healthcare professionals and public health advocates. Updated with the latest research since the 2020 edition, this comprehensive report underscores the potential to prevent or significantly delay dementia by targeting modifiable risk factors. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Up to 50% of all dementia cases could potentially be prevented or substantially delayed. 

  • The report now identifies 14 modifiable risk factors for dementia. 

  • Newly included risk factors—untreated vision loss and high LDL cholesterol—underscore the critical role of these elements in maintaining cognitive health. 

The Cholesterol Connection 

Cholesterol’s recognition as a risk factor for dementia marks a pivotal advancement in understanding, preventing, and delaying cognitive decline. This discovery emphasizes the importance of managing cholesterol levels for cardiovascular health and preserving cognitive function as we age. 

At CMHC, we focus extensively on cardiometabolic health, where dyslipidemia plays a significant role. Dyslipidemia, characterized by an imbalance in lipids such as cholesterol, LDL-C, triglycerides, and HDL, can result from various factors, including diet, tobacco and alcohol use, a sedentary lifestyle, or genetic conditions like familial hypercholesterolemia. As a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia also has far-reaching implications for cognitive health, underscoring its broad impact. 

Our expert faculty at CMHC delve into critical issues, offering insights on managing very low LDL-C, addressing concerns with statins and new-onset diabetes, and exploring the residual ASCVD risk beyond LDL-C, among other essential topics, in the CMHC Lipid Management Hub

Explore the CMHC Lipid Management Hub 

Visit the CMHC Lipid Management Hub, where you’ll find a wealth of resources, including webinars, CME activities, expert interviews, on-demand event recordings, news articles, drug pipelines, and more, all organized by specialty focus and format. 

Featured Articles: 

Featured Expert Highlights & Perspectives: 

Featured CME Activities (Virtual and Free): 

Featured Upcoming Live Conference: 

Join us at the 19th Annual Cardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC) in Boston, MA, on October 17-19. The Dyslipidemia/Atherosclerosis/Thrombosis track will feature sessions on dyslipidemia and LDL cholesterol, including: 

To learn more and register for the 19th Annual CMHC, click here. 

The Takeaway 

The 2024 Lancet Commission report is a call to action for healthcare providers and public health advocates. By focusing on modifiable risk factors, including cholesterol management, we have the opportunity to significantly reduce the global burden of dementia.

Subscribe below and stay informed in this critical field, and you’ll be equipped to deliver top-tier care in managing lipid disorders and cognitive health for improved patient outcomes.