Cardiometobolic Beat

In an effort to tackle the complexities of cardiometabolic health, CMHC presents Cardiometabolic Beat, a podcast where we bring you expert perspectives and views on the latest and clinically- relevant topics in cardiometabolic care.

Patient Case 3: Exploring Novel Strategies for LDL-C Combination Therapy

Patient Case 3: Exploring Novel Strategies for LDL-C Combination Therapy

RECORDED: February 21, 2024
This three part series consists of 3 cases that illustrate important concepts in managing patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, patients with hyperlipidemia and cardiometabolic comorbidities, and patient with South Asian descent with increased risk of ASCVD and a history of percutaneous Intervention. The cases are designed to be quick and offer high-level takeaways and pearls. In this podcast, experts will discuss the following case: A 54-Year-Old South Asian Male with a History of Cardiac Percutaneous Intervention.

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