Lifestyle Management
Cardiometabolic Education Hubs
Expert Highlights and Perspectives
A cache of recorded faculty presentations addressing the diagnosis, clinical management, treatment, and emerging strategies related to lifestyle management.
Identifying and Addressing Elevated Sodium Intake to Decrease Cardiovascular Risk
In this webcast, multidisciplinary experts engage in meaningful discussions about strategies to minimize the impact of total daily sodium intake on CVD risk. Recorded on May 4, 2023.
Dietary Strategies for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: Advances, Perspectives, and Expert Discussions
A Dr. Sarah Hallberg Legacy Course
Welcome and Introduction
Nina Teicholz, PhD & Ron Krauss, MD -
Definition & Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes
Ben Bikman, PhD -
What Do We Mean by T2DM Reversal?
Nina Teicholz, PhD; Sarah Hallberg, DO, MS -
Metabolic Basis for Low-carbohydrate and Ketogenic Diets
Jeff Volek, PhD -
Clinical Trial Evidence for Type 2 Diabetes Reversal Through Dietary Approaches
Laura Saslow, PhD -
Practical Approaches to Implement and Maintain a Low-Carbohydrate Diet
Tony Hampton, MD; Ronesh Sinha, MD -
Patient Cases, Panel Discussion, and Audience Q&A
Moderators: Nina Teicholz, PhD & Ron Krauss, MD
Panelists: All faculty
Lifestyle, Diet, Physical Activity, and Inflammation
CMHC co-chair Robert Eckel, MD moderates a conversation with Chip Lavie, MD, Virend Somers, MD, and Pam Taub, MD about the interesting intersection between inflammation and lifestyle. The panel shares practical pearls about the role of diet, physical activity, stress and disrupted sleep on inflammation and the importance of addressing these comprehensive lifestyle components to improve cardiometabolic health. (Recorded at 2023 CMHC Spring, May 19, 2023.)
Practical Approaches for Managing Obesity
Robert Kushner, MD
Practical Approaches for Managing Obesity
Perspectives on Nutritional Approaches for Cardiometabolic Patients
CMHC Chair Robert H. Eckel, MD, moderates a discussion with David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, and Holly R. Wyatt, MD about the best dietary approaches to target obesity and cardiometabolic risk, including the role of low-carbohydrate diets, other nutritional approaches/diets, and the individualization of these nutritional approaches for cardiometabolic patients (recorded April 2022).
CMHC: Sandeep Jauhar, MD, Keynote Speaker / National Harbor, MD
CMHC Chair Robert H. Eckel, MD, moderates a discussion with David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, and Holly R. Wyatt, MD about the best dietary approaches to target obesity and cardiometabolic risk, including the role of low-carbohydrate diets, other nutritional approaches/diets, and the individualization of these nutritional approaches for cardiometabolic patients (recorded April 2022).
CMHC Faculty member, Jason Tregellas, PhD shares on the impact of exercise on mental and cardiovascular health.
CMHC Faculty member, Jason Tregellas, MD shares on the impact of exercise on mental and cardiovascular health.
CMHC Annual 2021 Obesity Management Panel
CMHC Chair Robert Eckel and faculty Holly Wyatt, MD and Michelle Look, MD recap the obesity session topics discussed at the 16th Annual CMHC, including the importance of assessing and addressing pre-obesity, patient motivation advice, and considerations for long-term weight maintenance and obesity management.
News Digest
USPSTF Advises Lifestyle Counseling on CVD Prevention, Even for Low-Risk Adults
Updated Dietary Guidelines Limit Added Sugars, Emphasize Healthy Eating Patterns
“Burst” Exercise Leads to Greater Cardiometabolic Improvements in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
FH: Lifestyle, Luck, or Genetics?
Cardiometabolic Disease
Cardiometabolic Disease
Cardiometabolic Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiometabolic Disease
Cardiometabolic Disease
Lifestyle Interventions
Lifestyle Interventions
CME/CE Activities
Available courses, certification information, and the latest educational opportunities for practitioners interested in beginning or continuing their careers in a cardiometabolic subspecialty with emphasis on lifestyle management.
A collection of resources related to lifestyle management for both patients and provider education and connection.
- Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2020 - 2025
- 2021 Dietary Guidance to Improve Cardiovascular Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
- Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
- 2018 ACC Decision Pathway on Tobacco Cessation Treatment
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine - Practice Guidelines
Sleep Education Hub:
Our sleep education website offers valuable knowledge and resources on managing common sleep disorders and their associated comorbidities.